
The products manufactured by Cavaletti are developed by modern technologies and design concepts. They are subjected to rigorous tests and quality control, carried out by the Integrated Management System. Learn more about our Certifications.


Cavaletti has the FSC® Certification – Forest Stewardship Council for Chain of Custody, under license code FSC-C130850, which guarantees the traceability of the raw material since it leaves the forests until it reaches the final consumer. In this way, Cavaletti will be able to provide its customers with products bearing the FSC seal. FSC is an independent international organization, composed of representatives from the environmental, economic and social sectors, which establishes the principles and criteria for responsible forest management.

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ISO 9001 is a Standard that allows the company to check the consistency of its processes, measure and monitor them, with the aim of increasing its competitiveness and thereby ensuring the satisfaction of its customers.

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ISO 14001 allows the company to develop and practice environmentally sustainable policies and goals. The Standard takes into account the environmental aspects influenced by the organization and others that can be controlled by it.

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ISO 45001

ISO 45001 is an international standard for the Occupational Health and Safety Management System, with a focus on improving the company’s performance with regard to occupational health and safety.

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The products, according to their specific particularities, follow the guidelines set out in NR 17 (Regulatory Norm 17), with the possibility of issuing an Ergonomic Product Analysis signed by a Senior Ergonomist, Certified by the Brazilian Ergonomics Association (ABERGO).


The products, according to their specific particularities, follow the guidelines set out in the ABNT NBR 13962: 2018 Standard. This Standard specifies the physical and dimensional characteristics and classifies office chairs, as well as establishes the methods for the dimensional determination, stability, resistance and durability of office chairs, of any material, excluding: monobloc plastic chairs, seats for spectators, plastic seats for sporting events and multiple seats, as they have specific rules.


Cavaletti has the PEFC Certification (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes) for the wood custody chain, under license code PEFC/28-31-36, which guarantees the traceability of the raw material from forest management to reach the final consumer. In this way, Cavaletti will be able to supply its Customers with products bearing the PEFC seal. Consult the certified products with the commercial department.

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Our products are certified by ABNT’s Environmental Labeling Program, called Ecological Label, developed in accordance with ABNT NBR ISO 14020 and ABNT NBR ISO 14024 standards, to support a continuous effort to improve and/or maintain environmental quality through reduction of energy and material consumption, as well as minimization of impacts at all stages of the life cycle.

Preparation and Painting Process Certification

”The Preparation and Painting Process Certification is a special voluntary certification procedure for inspection assessment and compliance with technical requirements of the organizations management system. The evaluation is made considering technical reports issued by laboratories belonging to the Brazilian Network of Testing Laboratories – RBLE accredited by the General Accreditation Coordination of INMETRO, in bodies of evidence and test methodologies defined by national and international technical standards regarding corrosion resistance, scratch and impact, adhesion of the paint film and other characteristics of the painting. In addition to complying with the requirements defined by the standards, management system requirements are evaluated, from acquisition, receipt, processing and after-sales, ensuring product quality and customer reliability.”

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Eureciclo Seal

Our products have the Eureciclo Seal, which means that we invest in the recycling chain by offsetting a percentage of the packaging sold. In this way, we contribute financially to the sustainable development of recycling in Brazil.

FSC Essential Work Requirements Policy

Scope of declaration and commitment to the fundamental rights of workers by Cavaletti S/A, in accordance with SA 8000 International Standard.

Integrated Management System Policy

Scope Integrated Management System

Design, development, production and commercialization of chairs, upholstery and their components.


Policy for Handling Customer and Stakeholder Complaints

With the objective of always improving the service to Customers and interested parties, Cavaletti is committed to: dealing with suggestions, criticisms and complaints from Customers, suppliers or interested parties related to the products and services made available by the Company; comply with and be subject to the penalties provided for in the following legislation: 8,078, of September 11, 1990, which provides for Consumer Protection and provides other measures; and 9,933 of December 20, 1999; analyze all the results and take the necessary corrective actions, referring to the complaints statistics; respond to Inmetro or another body, on any complaint received, within the period established by these entities.